Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holiday from the Hancocks!! We had a wonderful Christmas and the kids got way to much this year..don't ask me why?? Santa must not have been watching the same kids as me! But as you can see Lilly was the most excited about the DS game she got. But I think one of their favorites was the ZUZU pets Santa brought.  Even the boys were playing with those.
We really miss being with our loved ones for the holidays. And hope that we can come back soon.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and to let you all know how much we love and miss you. We truely feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful family. We have been so blessed this year. We were given so much and are so thankful for it. We have such amazing families that give so much to us and we can never thank you enough.
We really do love and miss you. And we hope that we can be together soon.
Here are some pictures of our Christmas Eve....we got to go on a carriage ride downtown and then go on the Riverwalk Cruise. It was so much fun, except we were not prepared for the freezing cold weather that snuck up on us. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

I just wanted to let everyone see some good times here in Texas. Kyle won some Spurs tickets and he got to take Samuel. they had alot of fun. Also, their school has a "dress up like your favorite book character." Madi was Franni K Stein and Sam was Harry Potter. They looked so cute!  Plus Madi and Sam both lost a tooth on the same day!  Poor broke tooth fairy!
Also for Activity Girls they raised money for tickets to the see Nutcracker. We got dressed up and had a great time. Madi is a sweetheart!
Sorry...I can't figure out how to make the pictures look upright

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Madison's Baptism

Yesterday Madi was baptised by her wonderful father. My sister Debra and her family were able to come and be there for her. Harrison gave the talk about baptism and Debra the talk about the Holy Ghost. It was a small group of people, but I really appreciated the friends and family who were there for us. I can honestly say that I have never felt the spirit so strong at a baptism. Madi is such a special spirit. I know that her Heavenly Father is so proud of her and loves her....just as her father and I am.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Well, as you can see....we cut Madi's hair! She has been begging me to and I just didn't have the heart. It was a pretty sad thing to do. She has the thickest hair and it is every girls dream hair. (every girl but Madi)  She loves it and that's all that matters. PLUS it is super easy to do.
Also, last week Samuel earned his Bear award. He still has a couple things for his Leave no Trace award, but we are working on them.
We love and miss all ya'll!

Madi gets a haircut and Sam gets his Bear.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I can't believe my little boy is growing up so fast. He got to go to the Temple today and do Baptisms for the dead. HE was really excited! Look how tall and handsome he is!  (his teacher gave him that beautiful tie) 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

  1. Lilly and her pre-K friends. Chloe is in the middle, she is her "Best Friend". Kaylee is on the end and she is the little girl that I do day care for. They all go to the same Pre-k though.


Snickers spent the morning chasing his tail.

I got the vinyl on the walls yesterday and the faith sign was from my At Home America vault.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Baking cookies with the girls.
Don't look at the mess behind them.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today was Lilly's first day at Saint Margret's Pre-School. She was so excited to go. Her friend Chloe will be there with her. We just hope we can keep up with tuition. :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

We got to have dinner at Kelly and Toby's with Jim and Debbie. We had a blast! It is always fun spending time with dear freinds and catching up on old times. We had a great dinner and the kids had fun...Lilly and Lucas got in a couple tiffs but everything else went great!!We love the Hainings!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me! I love my new picture I got from my B-day! And I love all the At home America items I earned for free!  I think I need a new couch? It looks a little sad here.
Hi ya'll. Yesterday came and went and we all survived! Phew!

Monday, August 24, 2009

He is just so excited!! 7th grade woo hoo!
What a morning! We had to park a mile away from the middle school, and walk in 85 degree weather. I was holding Lilly on my back. By the time we got to the office I was dripping with sweat! Totally running off my forehead. Harrison is pretty nervous about going back to Harris but we can only pray that it will get better.
Wow.. I can't believe today was the first day of school! Sam is starting 4th grade and Madi 3rd! They are both excited and a little scared to make new friends! They still miss their Utah friends.

Our hotel in new mexico

We got a cool hotel with two bedrooms in Las Cruses . The kids had a blast..they didn't want to leave.